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Feed Creativity

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

Creativity isn't inherent in everyone. Learn how to harness creativity and relish in the endless possibilities.

Where my Creativity Comes From

I have found creativity in some of the most unexpected places. I usually find it at the moments I am not looking for it and find it hard to conjure when I do want creative help. For example, the mornings when I wake up and can remember a dream are either; mornings I am so tired I can't hold a pen or mornings I don't have enough time to spill the ideas out of my head. Yet, the mornings I have time to lay in bed and think over everything in my head; I never have an interesting dream to spur my thoughts.

Attention to Detail

Most of the time, though, I force myself to hold the pencil and expand on my dreams recalling them as I write. However dreams can't always be relied on for inspiration because you are never sure when they might come or go. Therefore a lot of my inspiration for creative project comes from observing others. I find I am the most inspired when I am constantly surround with new things, people, or ideas I haven't seen before. My creativity is at it's height when I take the time to further my observations. It is in these moments that I notice all the small details that may not seem important overall; but, when a bunch of small ideas can be combined for one central focus it is more interesting that they stem from different sources.

Ideas may come and go but observing is always an option.

I find people the most interesting to observe because you can see their outside appearance and make assumptions or fictional stories about what may be on the inside. There are so many variations that each person can give off an individual vibe. Without wasting your time viewing an identical story pass by you multiple times.

How to Harness the observations

Take what you see on the outside and tell a story that might be on the inside

Stories can be told in so many different forms that at this point, the artists interpretation takes over. Your observations can be turned into a short story, into a work of art, a film or a flavor. There are so many options and no route is a wrong route. So find people or music that catch your eye, or shows something unique, and pay attention to the details. The things that not everyone will notice can be used to create your unique story.

Remember people are everywhere, so use what is available to you: online and in real life.

Good luck!

1 comment

1 Comment

Michelle Bates
Michelle Bates
Mar 23, 2020

I agree people watching is never boring and there is always many different ways to interpret what you see

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